September 2008. Volume 4. Number 3

El cumplimiento de una dieta mediterránea disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar una diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Martínez-González MA, de la Fuente-Arrillaga C, Nunez-Cordoba JM, Basterra-Gortari FJ, Beunza JJ, Vazquez Z, Benito S et al. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2008;336;1348-51
Reviewers: Olivares Grohnert M1, Buñuel Álvarez JC2.
1Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile. Santiago. Región Metropolitana. Chile.
2Àrea Bàsica de Salut Girona-4. Institut Català de la Salut. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Manuel Olivares Grohnert. Email:
Reception date: 17/07/2008
Acceptance date: 24/07/2008
Publication date: 01/09/2008


Authors’s conclusions: Adherence to the mediterranean diet is associated with a lower risk of diabetes mellitus type 2.

Reviewer’s commentary: Some studies have shown that a Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduction of chronic diseases. The results of this study are consistent with other publications demonstrating the beneficial effect of this diet on glucose metabolism. Health education activities aimed to promote Mediterranean diet should be part of of pediatricians and general practitioners clinical practice. It would be useful to have studies that support the benefits of Mediterranean diet in less selected populations.

How to cite this article

Olivares Grohnert M, Buñuel Álvarez JC. El cumplimiento de una dieta mediterránea disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar una diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:48.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Martínez-González MA, de la Fuente-Arrillaga C, Nunez-Cordoba JM, Basterra-Gortari FJ, Beunza JJ, Vazquez Z, Benito S et al. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2008;336;1348-51
Reviewers: Olivares Grohnert M1, Buñuel Álvarez JC2.
1Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile. Santiago. Región Metropolitana. Chile.
2Àrea Bàsica de Salut Girona-4. Institut Català de la Salut. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Manuel Olivares Grohnert. Email:
Reception date: 17/07/2008
Acceptance date: 24/07/2008
Publication date: 01/09/2008

How to cite this article

Olivares Grohnert M, Buñuel Álvarez JC. El cumplimiento de una dieta mediterránea disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar una diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:48.


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