September 2011. Volume 7. Number 3

Final height does not affect the health-related quality of life in women with Turner syndrome

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Taback SP, Van Vliet G. Health-related quality of life of young adults with Turner syndrome following a long-term randomized controlled trial of recombinant human growth hormone. BMC Pediatr. 2011;11:49.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 24/08/2011
Acceptance date: 26/08/2011
Publication date: 07/09/2011


Authors' conclusions: we found no benefit or adverse effect on health related quality of life in young adult women with Turner syndrome either from receiving or not receiving growth hormone injections. The results of this study in young adult women with Turner syndrome suggest that they adjust well to their challenges in life.

Reviewers' commentary: many girls with Turner syndrome receive growth hormone to improve their final height. Although this trial has some limitations, the perception of quality of life is not associated with their height. We must take into account other aspects of their life that could require support and treatment.

How to cite this article

González Rodríguez MP, Velarde Mayol C. La talla final no afecta a la calidad de vida de las mujeres con síndrome de Turner. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:54.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Taback SP, Van Vliet G. Health-related quality of life of young adults with Turner syndrome following a long-term randomized controlled trial of recombinant human growth hormone. BMC Pediatr. 2011;11:49.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 24/08/2011
Acceptance date: 26/08/2011
Publication date: 07/09/2011

How to cite this article

González Rodríguez MP, Velarde Mayol C. La talla final no afecta a la calidad de vida de las mujeres con síndrome de Turner. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:54.


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