December 2013. Volume 9. Number 4

Is there any relationship between the use of acellular pertussis vaccines and the latest outbreaks of pertussis?

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Klein NP, Bartlett J, Fireman B, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Baxter R. Comparative effectiveness of acellular versus whole-cell pertussis vaccines in teenagers. Pediatrics. 2013;131:e1716-22.

Reviewers: Aizpurua Galdeano P1, Rivas Fernández MÁ2.
1CS Amara Berri. San Sebastián. España.
2Hospital General de Cataluña, Barcelona. Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: Pilar Aizpurua Galdeano. Email:
Reception date: 19/09/2013
Acceptance date: 11/10/2013
Publication date: 13/11/2013


Authors' conclusions: teenagers who received in childhood whole cell pertussis vaccine were more protected during the U.S. 2010-11 whooping cough outbreak  than were those who received acellular vaccine.

Reviewers' commentary: the widespread use of acellular whooping cough vaccines has been related to the resurgence of disease outbreaks in recent years. Although causes are complex, the waning of vaccine-induced immunity appears to play an important role.

How to cite this article

Aizpurua Galdeano P, Rivas Fernández MA. ¿Hay relación entre los últimos brotes de tos ferina y el uso de vacuna acelular? Evid Pediatr. 2013;9:69.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Klein NP, Bartlett J, Fireman B, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Baxter R. Comparative effectiveness of acellular versus whole-cell pertussis vaccines in teenagers. Pediatrics. 2013;131:e1716-22.

Reviewers: Aizpurua Galdeano P1, Rivas Fernández MÁ2.
1CS Amara Berri. San Sebastián. España.
2Hospital General de Cataluña, Barcelona. Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: Pilar Aizpurua Galdeano. Email:
Reception date: 19/09/2013
Acceptance date: 11/10/2013
Publication date: 13/11/2013

How to cite this article

Aizpurua Galdeano P, Rivas Fernández MA. ¿Hay relación entre los últimos brotes de tos ferina y el uso de vacuna acelular? Evid Pediatr. 2013;9:69.


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