September 2010. Volume 6. Number 3

Is obesity inherited? Genetic markers and weight gain in early childhood

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Elks CE, Loos RJF, Sharp SJ, Langenberg C, Ring SM et al. Genetic Markers of Adult Obesity Risk Are Associated with Greater Early Infancy Weight Gain and Growth. PLoS Med. 7(5): e1000284.
Reviewers: Juanes de Toledo B1, Ochoa Sangrador C2.
1 Equipo de Atención Primaria El Espinillo. Área 11. Madrid. España.
2Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora. España.
Correspondence: Blanca Juanes de Toledo. Email:
Acceptance date: 02/08/2010
Publication date: 10/08/2010


Authors´ conclusions: the genetic markers for adult obesity are associated to greater early infancy gain in weight and lenght, and it can be on the pathway to adult obesity.

Reviewer´s commentary: growth in infancy and weight gain in the first years of life seem to have a genetic condition, although known genetic markers for obesity only determine a small percentage of the overweight.

How to cite this article

Juanes de Toledo B, Ochoa Sangrador C. ¿Se hereda la obesidad? Marcadores genéticos y ganancia ponderal en la primera infancia. Evid Pediatr. 2010;6:56.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Elks CE, Loos RJF, Sharp SJ, Langenberg C, Ring SM et al. Genetic Markers of Adult Obesity Risk Are Associated with Greater Early Infancy Weight Gain and Growth. PLoS Med. 7(5): e1000284.
Reviewers: Juanes de Toledo B1, Ochoa Sangrador C2.
1 Equipo de Atención Primaria El Espinillo. Área 11. Madrid. España.
2Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora. España.
Correspondence: Blanca Juanes de Toledo. Email:
Acceptance date: 02/08/2010
Publication date: 10/08/2010

How to cite this article

Juanes de Toledo B, Ochoa Sangrador C. ¿Se hereda la obesidad? Marcadores genéticos y ganancia ponderal en la primera infancia. Evid Pediatr. 2010;6:56.


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