September 2011. Volume 7. Number 3

Adolescents bullied in school have increased suicidal ideation

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Skapinakis P, Bellos S, Gkatsa T, Magklara K, Lewis G, Araya R et al. The association between bullying and early stages of suicidal ideation in late adolescents in Greece. BMC Psychiatry. 2011;11:22.
Reviewers: Velarde Mayol C1, González Rodríguez MP2.
1CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
2CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Cristina Velarde Mayol. Email:
Reception date: 02/05/2011
Acceptance date: 08/06/2011
Publication date: 22/06/2011


Authors' conclusion: students 16 to 18 years old have a strong association between bullying and suicidal thoughts (item: "life is not worth living"). When the harassment was frequent, suicidal thoughts were eight times more frequent than when the harassment was absent. Furthermore, this association was independent of previous psychiatric morbidity.

Reviewers' commentary: bullying is associated with suicidal ideation, regardless of psychiatric disorders. Although this cross-sectional study does not allow determining the casual association, it supports a strong association between suicidal ideation and bullying. These findings provide further evidence that bullying must be taken seriously. Therefore, its prevention, early detection and support for victims are of paramount importance.

How to cite this article

Velarde Mayol C, González Rodriguez MP. Los adolescentes que sufren acoso escolar tienen más ideas suicidas. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:59.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Skapinakis P, Bellos S, Gkatsa T, Magklara K, Lewis G, Araya R et al. The association between bullying and early stages of suicidal ideation in late adolescents in Greece. BMC Psychiatry. 2011;11:22.
Reviewers: Velarde Mayol C1, González Rodríguez MP2.
1CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
2CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Cristina Velarde Mayol. Email:
Reception date: 02/05/2011
Acceptance date: 08/06/2011
Publication date: 22/06/2011

How to cite this article

Velarde Mayol C, González Rodriguez MP. Los adolescentes que sufren acoso escolar tienen más ideas suicidas. Evid Pediatr. 2011;7:59.


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