June 2012. Volume 8. Number 2

Is it efficient to universal neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency?

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Coulm B, Coste J, Tardy V, Ecosse E, Roussey M, Morel Y et al; DHCSF Study Group. Efficiency of neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in children born in mainland France between 1996 and 2003. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166:113-20.
Reviewers: Fernández Rodríguez MM1, Orejón de Luna G2.
1Centro de Salud de Potes. Madrid. España.
2CS General Ricardos. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M.ª Mercedes Fernández Rodríguez. Email: mer763@hotmail.com
Reception date: 29/04/2012
Acceptance date: 17/05/2012
Publication date: 23/05/2012


Authors' conclusions: efficiencyof screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency was moderate in term infants and very low inpreterm infants. The authors recommend the discontinuation of screening as has been done so far, in premature infants.

Reviewers' commentary: performance of screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in infants born at term, it seems appropriate. Not so in preterm infants, where there is a high rate of false positives, which calls into question its inclusion within the neonatal screening. There are specific techniques but also more expensive, which could improve the effectiveness of screening. Should do more studies to rate this as well as economic studies that assess whether increase defficiency,offsets the increase in spending would the implementation of these screening techniques.

How to cite this article

Orejón de Luna G, Fernández Rodriguez M. ¿Es eficiente realizar cribado neonatal universal de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita por déficit de 21-hidroxilasa? Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:40.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Coulm B, Coste J, Tardy V, Ecosse E, Roussey M, Morel Y et al; DHCSF Study Group. Efficiency of neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in children born in mainland France between 1996 and 2003. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166:113-20.
Reviewers: Fernández Rodríguez MM1, Orejón de Luna G2.
1Centro de Salud de Potes. Madrid. España.
2CS General Ricardos. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M.ª Mercedes Fernández Rodríguez. Email: mer763@hotmail.com
Reception date: 29/04/2012
Acceptance date: 17/05/2012
Publication date: 23/05/2012

How to cite this article

Orejón de Luna G, Fernández Rodriguez M. ¿Es eficiente realizar cribado neonatal universal de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita por déficit de 21-hidroxilasa? Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:40.


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