March 2022. Volume 18. Number 1

Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella vaccines are not associated with increased risk of autism or encephalopathy

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Marchione P, Debalini MG, Demicheli V Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;4:CD004407.
Reviewers: Fernández Rodríguez MM1, Aparicio Rodrigo M2.
1CS Potes. SERMAS. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Entrevías. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M.ª Mercedes Fernández Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 30/01/2022
Acceptance date: 03/03/2022
Publication date: 16/03/2022


Authors´ conclusions: This review shows that MMR, MMRV and MMR+V vaccines are effective in preventing the infection of children by measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox, with no evidence of an increased risk of autism or encephalitis and a small risk of febrile seizure.

Reviewers´ commentary: the review of childhood immunization with varicella and MMR shows that it is an effective and safe intervention, associated with mild side effects and less frequently than those occurring with natural infection. The MMR has not been shown to be associated with encephalopathy or autism.

How to cite this article

Fernández Rodríguez MM, Aparicio Rodrigo M. Las vacunas triple vírica y varicela no se asocian con un mayor riesgo de autismo o encefalopatía. Evid Pediatr 2022;18:2.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Marchione P, Debalini MG, Demicheli V Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;4:CD004407.
Reviewers: Fernández Rodríguez MM1, Aparicio Rodrigo M2.
1CS Potes. SERMAS. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Entrevías. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M.ª Mercedes Fernández Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 30/01/2022
Acceptance date: 03/03/2022
Publication date: 16/03/2022

How to cite this article

Fernández Rodríguez MM, Aparicio Rodrigo M. Las vacunas triple vírica y varicela no se asocian con un mayor riesgo de autismo o encefalopatía. Evid Pediatr 2022;18:2.

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