March 2023. Volume 19. Number 1

Is high-flow nasal cannula non-inferior to continuous positive airway pressure?

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Ramnarayan P, Richards-Belle A, Drikite l, Saull M, Orzechowska I, Darnell R, et al; FIRST-ABC Step-Up RCT Investigators and the Paediatric Critical Care Society Study Group. Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy vs Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy on Liberation From Respiratory Support in Acutely Ill Children Admitted to Pediatric Critical Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 12;328:162-72.

Reviewers: Ochoa Sangrador C1, Albi Rodríguez MS2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Zamora. España.
2Servicio de Neumología y Alergia Infantil. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Carlos Ochoa Sangrador. Email:
Reception date: 11/12/2022
Acceptance date: 26/01/2023
Publication date: 01/02/2023


Authors ́ conclusions: in children with acute illness who required non-invasive respiratory support in Pediatric Intensive Care Units the use of high-flow nasal cannulas was not inferior to the use of continuous positive airway pressure, with respect to the time of withdrawal of respiratory support.

Reviewers ́ commentary: there are doubts about the influence of the compared respiratory supports, different in complexity and discomfort, on the perception of treatment failure and its effect on decision making. Before making recommendations on the use of high-flow oxygen nasal cannula as initial therapy, its efficacy in preventing intubation and its cost-effectiveness should be assessed.

How to cite this article

Ochoa Sangrador C, Albi Rodríguez MS. ¿Es la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo no inferior a la presión positiva continua de la vía área? Evid Pediatr. 2023;19:5.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Ramnarayan P, Richards-Belle A, Drikite l, Saull M, Orzechowska I, Darnell R, et al; FIRST-ABC Step-Up RCT Investigators and the Paediatric Critical Care Society Study Group. Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy vs Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy on Liberation From Respiratory Support in Acutely Ill Children Admitted to Pediatric Critical Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 12;328:162-72.

Reviewers: Ochoa Sangrador C1, Albi Rodríguez MS2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Zamora. España.
2Servicio de Neumología y Alergia Infantil. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Carlos Ochoa Sangrador. Email:
Reception date: 11/12/2022
Acceptance date: 26/01/2023
Publication date: 01/02/2023

How to cite this article

Ochoa Sangrador C, Albi Rodríguez MS. ¿Es la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo no inferior a la presión positiva continua de la vía área? Evid Pediatr. 2023;19:5.

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