June 2023. Volume 19. Number 2

Severity of cryptorchidism in the first year of life can affect reproductive function

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Rodprasert W, Koskenniemi JJ, Virtanen HE, Sadov S, Perheentupa A, Ollila H, et al. Reproductive Markers of Testicular Function and Size During Puberty in Boys With and Without a History of Cryptorchidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022; 107:3353-3361.

Reviewers: Rivero Martín MJ1, Lojo Pons P2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Fuenlabrada. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Josep Masdevall. Figueres. Girona. España.
Correspondence: M.ª José Rivero Martín. Email: mriverom@salud.madrid.org
Reception date: 20/04/2023
Acceptance date: 04/05/2023
Publication date: 10/05/2023


Authors´ conclusions: cryptorchid boys, particularly those with bilateral cryptorchidism who underwent orchiopexy, had altered levels of serum biomarkers of Sertoli cells and germ cells and smaller testicular volumes compared with controls.

Reviewers´ commentary: at the age of full pubertal maturation, boys who have required orchidopexy have a smaller testicular size than those with spontaneous descent and without cryptorchidism; in boys with bilateral cryptorchidism, FSH levels are higher and inhibin B levels are lower.

How to cite this article

Rivero Martín MJ, Lojo Pons P. La gravedad de la criptorquidia en el primer año de vida puede afectar a la función reproductiva. Evid Pediatr. 2023;19:17.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Rodprasert W, Koskenniemi JJ, Virtanen HE, Sadov S, Perheentupa A, Ollila H, et al. Reproductive Markers of Testicular Function and Size During Puberty in Boys With and Without a History of Cryptorchidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022; 107:3353-3361.

Reviewers: Rivero Martín MJ1, Lojo Pons P2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Fuenlabrada. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Josep Masdevall. Figueres. Girona. España.
Correspondence: M.ª José Rivero Martín. Email: mriverom@salud.madrid.org
Reception date: 20/04/2023
Acceptance date: 04/05/2023
Publication date: 10/05/2023

How to cite this article

Rivero Martín MJ, Lojo Pons P. La gravedad de la criptorquidia en el primer año de vida puede afectar a la función reproductiva. Evid Pediatr. 2023;19:17.


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