March 2007. Volume 3. Number 1

A clinical decision rule seams useful for the identification of children who should undergo computed tomography scanning after head injury

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Dunning J, Daly JP, Lomas JP, Lecky F, Batchelor J, Mackway-Jones K, on behalf of the children’s head injury algorithm for the prediction of important clinical events (CHALICE) study group. Derivation of the children’s head injury algorithm for the prediction of important clinical events decision rule for head injury in children. Arch Dis Child. 2006;91:885–91
Reviewers: Cuervo Valdés JJ1, Carreazo Pariasca NY2.
1CS Ciudad Jardín. Badajoz. España.
2Hospital de Emergencias Pediátricas. Lima. Perú.
Correspondence: Jaime Javier Cuervo Valdés. Email:
Reception date: 10/02/2007
Acceptance date: 28/02/2007
Publication date: 01/03/2007


How to cite this article

Cuervo JJ, Carreazo NY. Una regla de decisión clínica parece útil para la determinación de pacientes de alto riesgo tras traumatismo craneoencefálico a quienes debe realizarse tac craneal. Evid Pediatr. 2007;3:21.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Dunning J, Daly JP, Lomas JP, Lecky F, Batchelor J, Mackway-Jones K, on behalf of the children’s head injury algorithm for the prediction of important clinical events (CHALICE) study group. Derivation of the children’s head injury algorithm for the prediction of important clinical events decision rule for head injury in children. Arch Dis Child. 2006;91:885–91
Reviewers: Cuervo Valdés JJ1, Carreazo Pariasca NY2.
1CS Ciudad Jardín. Badajoz. España.
2Hospital de Emergencias Pediátricas. Lima. Perú.
Correspondence: Jaime Javier Cuervo Valdés. Email:
Reception date: 10/02/2007
Acceptance date: 28/02/2007
Publication date: 01/03/2007

How to cite this article

Cuervo JJ, Carreazo NY. Una regla de decisión clínica parece útil para la determinación de pacientes de alto riesgo tras traumatismo craneoencefálico a quienes debe realizarse tac craneal. Evid Pediatr. 2007;3:21.


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