March 2012. Volume 8. Number 1

We can suspect alcohol or cannabis abuse with one or two simple questions in the emergency department

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Newton AS, Gokiert R, Mabood N, Ata N, Dong K, Ali S et al. Instruments to detect alcohol and other drug misuse in the emergency department: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e180-92.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 19/12/2011
Acceptance date: 17/01/2012
Publication date: 18/01/2012


Authors’ conclusion: on the basis of the current evidence, it is recommended that emergency care clinicians use a 2-question instrument for detecting youth alcohol misuse and a 1-question instrument for detecting cannabis misuse. Further research is required to definitively answer whether these tools should be used as targeted or universal screening approaches in the emergency department.

Reviewers’ commentary: it would be useful in clinical practice to find out an instrument used as a “quick screen” to detect alcohol and cannabis misuse in emergency departments.In additionit it should be validated in the population to be applied and it should detect other high risk consumptions.

How to cite this article

González Rodríguez MP, Velarde Mayol C. En urgencias podemos sospechar el abuso de alcohol o cannabis con una o dos preguntas sencillas. Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:9.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Newton AS, Gokiert R, Mabood N, Ata N, Dong K, Ali S et al. Instruments to detect alcohol and other drug misuse in the emergency department: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e180-92.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Barrio del Pilar. Área 5. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 19/12/2011
Acceptance date: 17/01/2012
Publication date: 18/01/2012

How to cite this article

González Rodríguez MP, Velarde Mayol C. En urgencias podemos sospechar el abuso de alcohol o cannabis con una o dos preguntas sencillas. Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:9.


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