ED | Latest advances in the development of a vaccine against malaria
Sacarlal J, Lafuente S, Macete E, Alonso PL. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:2
Making well-informed clinical decisions based on the current scientific evidence: from the article to the patient
Critically appraised articles
AVC | Childhood overweight increases the risk of coronary heart disease in adulthood
Aizpurua Galdeano P, Ochoa Sangrador C. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:10
AVC | Vitamin A supplementation could improve the survival in very low birthweight infants
Carvajal Encina F, Balaguer Santamaría A. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:11
AVC | Does the child have a urinary tract infection?
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AVC | Cesarean delivery increases the risk of maternal morbidity, does it worth the risk?
Aparicio Rodrigo M, Balaguer Santamaría A. Evid Pediatr. 2008;4:16
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AVC | Spanish parents rate ADHD symptoms scales higher than teachers, compared to American population
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Bases of evidence based medicine