September 2009. Volume 5. Number 3

Physical activity interventions in schools may not improve body mass index

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Harris KC, Kuramoto LK, Schulzer M, Retallack JE. Effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index in children: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 2009;180(7):719-26
Reviewers: Pérez Gaxiola G1, Llerena Santa Cruz E2.
1Hospital Pediátrico de Sinaloa. Culiacán. Sinaloa. México.
2Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Giordano Pérez Gaxiola. Email:
Reception date: 30/07/2009
Acceptance date: 01/08/2009
Publication date: 10/09/2009


Authors´ conclusion: interventions based on increasing physical activity in schools do not improve BMI, but have other health benefits.

Reviewers´ commentary: there is evidence that these programs do not improve BMI. The studies included do not evaluate adherence and most of them lack an objective measurement of the physical activity. The problem of childhood obesity can not be addressed without a multifactorial intervention.

How to cite this article

Pérez Gaxiola G, Llerena Santa Cruz E. Los programas de actividad física a nivel escolar posiblemente no mejoran el índice de masa corporal. Evid Pediatr. 2009;5:64

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Harris KC, Kuramoto LK, Schulzer M, Retallack JE. Effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index in children: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 2009;180(7):719-26
Reviewers: Pérez Gaxiola G1, Llerena Santa Cruz E2.
1Hospital Pediátrico de Sinaloa. Culiacán. Sinaloa. México.
2Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Giordano Pérez Gaxiola. Email:
Reception date: 30/07/2009
Acceptance date: 01/08/2009
Publication date: 10/09/2009

How to cite this article

Pérez Gaxiola G, Llerena Santa Cruz E. Los programas de actividad física a nivel escolar posiblemente no mejoran el índice de masa corporal. Evid Pediatr. 2009;5:64


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