December 2010. Volume 6. Number 4

It doesn´t seem to exist association between incidence of early childhood cancers and the mother’s exposure to mobile phone base stations during pregnancy

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Elliott P, Toledano MB, Bennett J, Beale L, de Hoogh K, Best N et al. Mobile phone base stations and early childhood cancers: case-control study. BMJ. 2010;340:c3077.
Reviewers: Guarch Ibáñez B1, Buñuel Álvarez JC2.
1Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta. Girona. España.
2Àrea Bàsica de Salut Girona-4. Institut Català de la Salut. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Borja Guarch Ibáñez. Email:
Reception date: 13/10/2010
Acceptance date: 27/09/2010
Publication date: 21/10/2010


Authors’ conclusions: there is no association between exposure to mobile phone base stations during pregnancy and cancer during the first four years of life.

Reviewers’ commentary: the large geographical area covered by the study, its community setting, the use of population-based registries and the application of multivariate analysis techniques endorse the authors’ conclusions. In order to study the possible long-term risk (more than four years of age) or the potential risk of postnatal exposure to electromagnetic radiation sources new studies, specifically designed for that purpose, are needed.

How to cite this article

Guarch Ibáñez B, Buñuel Álvarez JC. No parece existir asociación entre la incidencia de cáncer infantil precoz y la exposición de las madres a estaciones de telefonía móvil durante el embarazo. Evid Pediatr. 2010;6:80.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Elliott P, Toledano MB, Bennett J, Beale L, de Hoogh K, Best N et al. Mobile phone base stations and early childhood cancers: case-control study. BMJ. 2010;340:c3077.
Reviewers: Guarch Ibáñez B1, Buñuel Álvarez JC2.
1Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta. Girona. España.
2Àrea Bàsica de Salut Girona-4. Institut Català de la Salut. Girona. España.
Correspondence: Borja Guarch Ibáñez. Email:
Reception date: 13/10/2010
Acceptance date: 27/09/2010
Publication date: 21/10/2010

How to cite this article

Guarch Ibáñez B, Buñuel Álvarez JC. No parece existir asociación entre la incidencia de cáncer infantil precoz y la exposición de las madres a estaciones de telefonía móvil durante el embarazo. Evid Pediatr. 2010;6:80.


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