December 2013. Volume 9. Number 4

Utility of carbohydrate intake reduction in the treatment of obesity

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Kirk S, Brehm B, Saelens BE,  Woo JG, Kissel E, D’Alessio D, et al.  Role of Carbohydrate Modification in Weight Management among Obese Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Pediatr. 2012;161:320-7.
Reviewers: Carvajal Encina F1, de Lucas García N2.
1UCIN Hospital de La Serena y Escuela de Medicina Universidad Católica del Norte. La Serena. Elqui. Chile.
2SAMUR-Protección Civil. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Fernando Carvajal Encina. Email:
Reception date: 07/08/2013
Acceptance date: 09/09/2013
Publication date: 18/09/2013


Authors’ conclusions: diets with modified carbohydrate intake were as effective as portion-controlled diets in obese children. Adherence to low carbohydrate diet was lower.

Reviewers’ commentary: treatment of obese children with modified carbohydrate diets was as effective as treatment with portion controlled diet, but both of them were not clinically significant.These results are not generalizable because the study has important methodological limitations.

How to cite this article

Carvajal Encina F, de Lucas García N. Utilidad de la reducción de la ingesta de hidratos de carbono para el tratamiento de la obesidad. Evid Pediatr. 2013;9:61.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Kirk S, Brehm B, Saelens BE,  Woo JG, Kissel E, D’Alessio D, et al.  Role of Carbohydrate Modification in Weight Management among Obese Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Pediatr. 2012;161:320-7.
Reviewers: Carvajal Encina F1, de Lucas García N2.
1UCIN Hospital de La Serena y Escuela de Medicina Universidad Católica del Norte. La Serena. Elqui. Chile.
2SAMUR-Protección Civil. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Fernando Carvajal Encina. Email:
Reception date: 07/08/2013
Acceptance date: 09/09/2013
Publication date: 18/09/2013

How to cite this article

Carvajal Encina F, de Lucas García N. Utilidad de la reducción de la ingesta de hidratos de carbono para el tratamiento de la obesidad. Evid Pediatr. 2013;9:61.


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