December 2012. Volume 8. Number 4

Is it useful teaching CPR at school age?

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AAP | Making well-informed clinical decisions based on the current scientific evidence: from the article to the patient

Author: de Lucas García N1.
1Médico de SAMUR-Protección Civil de Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Nieves de Lucas García. Email:
Reception date: 15/11/2012
Acceptance date: 30/11/2012
Publication date: 05/12/2012


How to cite this article

De Lucas García N. ¿Es útil la enseñanza de la reanimación cardiopulmonar en la etapa escolar? Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:72.

AAP | Making well-informed clinical decisions based on the current scientific evidence: from the article to the patient

Author: de Lucas García N1.
1Médico de SAMUR-Protección Civil de Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Nieves de Lucas García. Email:
Reception date: 15/11/2012
Acceptance date: 30/11/2012
Publication date: 05/12/2012

Sorry, there is no English version for this item.

How to cite this article

De Lucas García N. ¿Es útil la enseñanza de la reanimación cardiopulmonar en la etapa escolar? Evid Pediatr. 2012;8:72.


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