June 2015. Volume 11. Number 2

Rotavirus vaccine: should we assume risk of intussusception to avoid serious forms of acute diarrhea?

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Escolano S, Hill C, Tubert-Bitter P. Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach. Vaccine. 2015;33:1017-20
Reviewers: Rivas Fernández MÁ1, Río-García MD2.
1Hospital General de Cataluña. Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona. España.
2Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Mª Ángeles Rivas Fernández. Email: mayrivas5@gmail.com
Reception date: 15/05/2015
Acceptance date: 20/05/2015
Publication date: 03/06/2015


Authors´ conclusions: there is a low risk of intussusception in the 3-7 days following vaccination with the first dose of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine: RV5. Although this risk does not outweigh the benefits, family members should be advised of the alarm signs in order to proceed to early diagnosis.

Reviewers´ commentary: the RV5 vaccine postmarketing studies warn of a rare side effect: intussusception 3 to 14 days after the first dose. Each country should decide if the use of the vaccine is justified for your environment, having in mind the risk -no measurable, given the type of study design-, and the demonstrated benefits (the protective effect against severe gastroenteritis). This decision should be especially individualized in the subgroups most vulnerable to suffering adverse reactions (e.g.: ex-preterm infants), or in those less likely to develop severe forms of acute gastroenteritis (breast milk fed). In any case, the family should be informed of the risk they are assuming.

How to cite this article

Rivas Fernández MA, Rio-García MD. Vacuna del rotavirus: ¿debemos asumir riesgo de invaginación para evitar formas graves de GEA? Rivas Fernández MÁ, Río-García MD. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:24.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Escolano S, Hill C, Tubert-Bitter P. Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach. Vaccine. 2015;33:1017-20
Reviewers: Rivas Fernández MÁ1, Río-García MD2.
1Hospital General de Cataluña. Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona. España.
2Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Mª Ángeles Rivas Fernández. Email: mayrivas5@gmail.com
Reception date: 15/05/2015
Acceptance date: 20/05/2015
Publication date: 03/06/2015

How to cite this article

Rivas Fernández MA, Rio-García MD. Vacuna del rotavirus: ¿debemos asumir riesgo de invaginación para evitar formas graves de GEA? Rivas Fernández MÁ, Río-García MD. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:24.


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