September 2015. Volume 11. Number 3

There is insufficient evidence to support the recommendation to use azithromycin for the prevention of postbronchiolitis recurrent wheezing

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Beigelman A, Isaacson-Schmid M, Sajol G, Baty J, Rodríguez OM, Leege E, et al. Randomized trial to evaluate azithromycin's effects on serum and upper airway IL-8 levels and recurrent wheezing in infants with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2015;135:1171-8.
Reviewer: Buñuel Álvarez JC1.
1CS Villamayor de Gállego. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: José Cristóbal Buñuel Álvarez. Email:
Reception date: 12/07/2015
Acceptance date: 17/07/2015
Publication date: 29/07/2015


Authors' conclusions: azithromycin decreases interleukin-8 nasopharyngeal concentration during the study period, and delayed the onset of a subsequent third episode of recurrent wheezing during the monitoring period.

Reviewers' commentary: the results of this trial are not sufficient to recommend indiscriminate use of azithromycin for the treatment of acute bronchiolitis during admission, nor to prevent possible further episodes of recurrent wheezing. If azithromycin actually had any clinically important effect on acute bronchiolitis and its recurrences, it should be demonstrated in a clinical trial specifically designed for this purpose, since the results of a pilot trial cannot be taken as a basis for changes in everyday clinical practice.

How to cite this article

Buñuel Álvarez JC. No existen pruebas suficientes que recomienden la azitromicina para prevenir episodios de sibilancias recurrentes posbronquiolitis. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:48.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Beigelman A, Isaacson-Schmid M, Sajol G, Baty J, Rodríguez OM, Leege E, et al. Randomized trial to evaluate azithromycin's effects on serum and upper airway IL-8 levels and recurrent wheezing in infants with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2015;135:1171-8.
Reviewer: Buñuel Álvarez JC1.
1CS Villamayor de Gállego. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: José Cristóbal Buñuel Álvarez. Email:
Reception date: 12/07/2015
Acceptance date: 17/07/2015
Publication date: 29/07/2015

How to cite this article

Buñuel Álvarez JC. No existen pruebas suficientes que recomienden la azitromicina para prevenir episodios de sibilancias recurrentes posbronquiolitis. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:48.


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CA | Un estudio piloto no es motivo suficiente para una prescripción de un medicamento, no recogida en ficha técnica

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