June 2020. Volume 16. Number 2

Self-harm in adolescents is associated with higher risk of death and suicide

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Gardner W, Pajer K, Cloutier P, Currie L, Colman I, Zemek R, et al. Health outcomes associated with emergency department visits by adolescents for self-harm: a propensity-matched cohort study. CMAJ. 2019 Nov 4;191:E1207-E1216.

Reviewers: Fraile Astorga G1, González Rodríguez P2.
1Pediatra. CAP Can Rull. Sabadell. Barcelona. España.
2Pediatra. CS Barrio del Pilar. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Garazi Fraile Astorga. Email: garazifraile@hotmail.com
Reception date: 02/04/2020
Acceptance date: 23/04/2020
Publication date: 06/05/2020


Authors’ conclusions: adolescents with emergency department visits for self-harm have higher rates of mortality, suicide and recurrent self-harm, as well as higher heath care cost, than matched controls. Development of algorithms and interventions than can identify and help adolescents at highest risk of recurrent self-harm is warranted.

Reviewers’ commentary: Those adolescents who presented to emergency departments with self-harm visits have higher rates of mortality from any cause, are also more likely to die by suicide, and are at increased risk of repeating self-harm emergency department visits or self-harm hospital admissions. Adolescents who were readmitted were more likely to be younger, to be female, to reside in a rural community, to have a personal medical history of abusing alcohol or other substances and to have a history of nearly every mental health concern. It is important to have sufficient treatment resources to develop interventions that can identify and help the adolescents at highest risk of recurrent self-harm.

How to cite this article

Faile Astorga G, González Rodríguez P. Los adolescentes que se autolesionan tienen mayor riesgo de muerte y suicidio. Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:21.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Gardner W, Pajer K, Cloutier P, Currie L, Colman I, Zemek R, et al. Health outcomes associated with emergency department visits by adolescents for self-harm: a propensity-matched cohort study. CMAJ. 2019 Nov 4;191:E1207-E1216.

Reviewers: Fraile Astorga G1, González Rodríguez P2.
1Pediatra. CAP Can Rull. Sabadell. Barcelona. España.
2Pediatra. CS Barrio del Pilar. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: Garazi Fraile Astorga. Email: garazifraile@hotmail.com
Reception date: 02/04/2020
Acceptance date: 23/04/2020
Publication date: 06/05/2020

How to cite this article

Faile Astorga G, González Rodríguez P. Los adolescentes que se autolesionan tienen mayor riesgo de muerte y suicidio. Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:21.


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