June 2020. Volume 16. Number 2

The greater the child poverty, the worse physical and mental health

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Lai ETC, Wickham S, Law C, Whitehead M, Barr B, Taylor-Robinson D. Poverty dynamics and health in late childhood in the UK: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study. Arch Dis Child. 2019;104:1049-55.

Reviewers: Esparza Olcina MJ1, Flores Villar S2.
1Pediatra. CS Barcelona. Móstoles. Madrid. España.
2Área de Hospitalización Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Fundación MútuaTerrassa. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: María Jesús Esparza Olcina. Email: mjesparza8@gmail.com
Reception date: 06/04/2020
Acceptance date: 28/04/2020
Publication date: 06/05/2020


Authors’ conclusions: the situation of chronic poverty in childhood affects 1 in 5 children in the United Kingdom. Exposure to poverty at an early age is related to a worse physical and mental health situation.

Reviewers’ conclusions: in a cohort of 10 652 children under the age of 14 recruited between 2000 and 2022 in the United Kingdom, called the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), those exposed to poverty showed a higher risk of mental health problems, obesity and chronic diseases.

How to cite this article

Esparza Olcina MJ, Flores Villar S. A mayor pobreza infantil, peor salud física y mental. Evid Pediatr. Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:22.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Lai ETC, Wickham S, Law C, Whitehead M, Barr B, Taylor-Robinson D. Poverty dynamics and health in late childhood in the UK: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study. Arch Dis Child. 2019;104:1049-55.

Reviewers: Esparza Olcina MJ1, Flores Villar S2.
1Pediatra. CS Barcelona. Móstoles. Madrid. España.
2Área de Hospitalización Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Fundación MútuaTerrassa. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: María Jesús Esparza Olcina. Email: mjesparza8@gmail.com
Reception date: 06/04/2020
Acceptance date: 28/04/2020
Publication date: 06/05/2020

How to cite this article

Esparza Olcina MJ, Flores Villar S. A mayor pobreza infantil, peor salud física y mental. Evid Pediatr. Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:22.


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