June 2020. Volume 16. Number 2

Are children under one year susceptible to measles?

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Science M, Savage R, Severini A, McLachlan E, Hughes SL, Arnold C, et al. Measles Antibody levels in young infants. Pediatrics. 2019;144:e20190630.

Reviewers: Flores Villar S1, Ortega Páez E2.
1Unidad de Hospitalización Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario MútuaTerrassa. Barcelona. España.
2Pediatra. UGC de Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
Correspondence: Sergio Flores Villar. Email: sflores@mutuaterrassa.es
Reception date: 13/05/2020
Acceptance date: 20/05/2020
Publication date: 03/06/2020


Authors´ conclusions: the findings of the study show that at three months of age, most children did not have protective titers of antibody against measles. These findings have important implications for general immunization and post-exposure recommendations, since until now, it was considered that up to six months of age there was immunity for measles. Additional studies are needed to prospectively validate these data and to explore the impact on that of maternal age and breastfeeding.

Reviewers´ commentary: according to the data of the study, immunity against measles in infants, acquired from their mothers, decreases significantly after three months and is practically non-existent at six months of age. These data could justify the advancement in the administration of the first dose of the MMR vaccine before one year of age, but before that it would be necessary to carry out immunity and tolerance studies and determine the ideal age for it.

How to cite this article

Flores Villar S, Ortega Páez E. ¿Son susceptibles al sarampión los niños menores de un año? Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:15.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Science M, Savage R, Severini A, McLachlan E, Hughes SL, Arnold C, et al. Measles Antibody levels in young infants. Pediatrics. 2019;144:e20190630.

Reviewers: Flores Villar S1, Ortega Páez E2.
1Unidad de Hospitalización Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario MútuaTerrassa. Barcelona. España.
2Pediatra. UGC de Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
Correspondence: Sergio Flores Villar. Email: sflores@mutuaterrassa.es
Reception date: 13/05/2020
Acceptance date: 20/05/2020
Publication date: 03/06/2020

How to cite this article

Flores Villar S, Ortega Páez E. ¿Son susceptibles al sarampión los niños menores de un año? Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:15.

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