September 2024. Volume 20. Number 3

Blood eosinophils in a preschool child with recurrent wheezing as a predictor of asthma

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Adamiec A, Cieślik M, Mączka K, Tarnoruda J, Jensen S, Chawes B, et al; EAACI Task Force on Preschool Wheeze. A systematic review and meta-analysis on absolute eosinophil counts and the risk of asthma in preschool children with wheezing: An EAACI Task Force Report. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2024;35(2):e14078.

Reviewers: Albi Rodríguez MS1, Fraile Astorga G2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Cuellar. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Salomé Albi Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 02/09/2024
Acceptance date: 11/09/2024
Publication date: 18/09/2024


Authors´ conclusions: this meta-analysis reinforces the association between elevated eosinophil blood count (EBC) and the risk of future asthma. EBC is a cost-effective and easily accessible tool for assessing future asthma risk in preschool children with wheezing and, as such, can aid physicians in making informed therapeutic decisions. A large, focused, prospective, multi-center cohort study is required to set a reliable cutoff point or predictive model for EBCs as predictors of asthma in the preschool population.

Reviewers´ commentary: there are data on the association between the level of EBC in preschool children with wheeze and the development of asthma, but we still need more information to establish the optimal cut-off point that will allow us to select those children at high risk, to be able to take specific measures. The key will be the development of predictive models able to weigh all the factors involved in the development of asthma, with optimal studies and the application of new methods capable of handling such broad and complex information.

How to cite this article

Albi Rodríguez MS, Fraile Astorga G. Eosinófilos en sangre de preescolares con sibilancias recurrentes como predictor de asma. Evid Pediatr. 2024;20:37.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Adamiec A, Cieślik M, Mączka K, Tarnoruda J, Jensen S, Chawes B, et al; EAACI Task Force on Preschool Wheeze. A systematic review and meta-analysis on absolute eosinophil counts and the risk of asthma in preschool children with wheezing: An EAACI Task Force Report. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2024;35(2):e14078.

Reviewers: Albi Rodríguez MS1, Fraile Astorga G2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
2Pediatra. CS Cuellar. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Salomé Albi Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 02/09/2024
Acceptance date: 11/09/2024
Publication date: 18/09/2024

How to cite this article

Albi Rodríguez MS, Fraile Astorga G. Eosinófilos en sangre de preescolares con sibilancias recurrentes como predictor de asma. Evid Pediatr. 2024;20:37.


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