March 2014. Volume 10. Number 1

Obesity at the beginning of adolescence increases the risk for wheezing

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Noal RB, Menenzes AMB, Macedo SEC, Dumith SC, Pérez-Padirlla R, Araújo CLP, et al. Is obesity a risk factor for wheezing among adolescents? A prospective study in Southern Brazil. J Adolesc Health. 2012;51:S38-45.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Algete. Imsalud. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 18/10/2013
Acceptance date: 29/10/2013
Publication date: 22/01/2014


Authors' conclusions: since obesity at the start of adolescence is associated with asthma symptom persistence, prevention and treatment of obesity may reduce avoidable healthcare costs and disease burden.

Reviewers' commentary: childhood asthma/wheeze and obesity, measured by body mass index, have been linked. In this study of an adolescent population, children who where obese at the age of 11 years have an increased incidence and prevalence of wheezing at the age of 15 years. Further studies will be necessary to understand whether asthma and obesity are causally associated, or if both are outcomes from a common exposure.

How to cite this article

González-Rodríguez MP, Velarde-Mayol C. La obesidad al inicio de la adolescencia aumenta el riesgo de padecer asma. Evid Pediatr. 2014;10:10.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Noal RB, Menenzes AMB, Macedo SEC, Dumith SC, Pérez-Padirlla R, Araújo CLP, et al. Is obesity a risk factor for wheezing among adolescents? A prospective study in Southern Brazil. J Adolesc Health. 2012;51:S38-45.
Reviewers: González Rodríguez MP1, Velarde Mayol C2.
1CS Algete. Imsalud. Madrid. España.
2CS de Segovia 1. Segovia. España.
Correspondence: María Paz González Rodríguez. Email:
Reception date: 18/10/2013
Acceptance date: 29/10/2013
Publication date: 22/01/2014

How to cite this article

González-Rodríguez MP, Velarde-Mayol C. La obesidad al inicio de la adolescencia aumenta el riesgo de padecer asma. Evid Pediatr. 2014;10:10.


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