June 2014. Volume 10. Number 2

Varicella vaccination programs decrease the rate of pediatric varicella, but not the rate of herpes zoster and their related hospitalizations

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Gil-Prieto R, Walter S, González-Escalada A, García-García L, Marín-García P, Gil-de-Miguel A. Different vaccination strategies in Spain and its impact on severe varicella and zoster. Vaccine. 2014;32:277-83.
Reviewers: Gimeno Díaz de Atauri Á1, Modesto i Alapont V2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Puerta de Hierro. Madrid. España.
2Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos. Hospital Infantil La Fe. Valencia. España.
Correspondence: Álvaro Gimeno Díaz de Atauri. Email: agimenodatauri@gmail.com
Reception date: 09/04/2014
Acceptance date: 29/05/2014
Publication date: 04/06/2014


Authors' conclusions: severe varicella infections decreased since routine varicella vaccination in Spain (2006). This decrease was significantly higher in regions including the vaccine at 15–18 months of age compared with those vaccinating only susceptible adolescents. The hospitalization rate related to herpes zoster slightly increased (mainly in the >84 age group). No significant differences in herpes zoster hospitalization rates were found regarding the differences in varicella vaccination strategies among regions.

Reviewers' commentary: the incidence of severe varicella is reduced with varicella vaccination of susceptible adolescents. This benefit doubles vaccinating children at 15-18 months of age. The incidence of severe zoster is steadily growing, especially in the elderly. Although there is no evidence of a causal link with the vaccine, this issue is essential to establish the varicella vaccination social cost-effectiveness.

How to cite this article

Gimeno Díaz de Atauri A, Modesto i Alapont V. La vacunación rutinaria del virus varicela-zóster reduce la incidencia de varicela grave, sin alterar la de herpes zóster grave. Evid Pediatr. 2014;10:31.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Gil-Prieto R, Walter S, González-Escalada A, García-García L, Marín-García P, Gil-de-Miguel A. Different vaccination strategies in Spain and its impact on severe varicella and zoster. Vaccine. 2014;32:277-83.
Reviewers: Gimeno Díaz de Atauri Á1, Modesto i Alapont V2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Puerta de Hierro. Madrid. España.
2Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos. Hospital Infantil La Fe. Valencia. España.
Correspondence: Álvaro Gimeno Díaz de Atauri. Email: agimenodatauri@gmail.com
Reception date: 09/04/2014
Acceptance date: 29/05/2014
Publication date: 04/06/2014

How to cite this article

Gimeno Díaz de Atauri A, Modesto i Alapont V. La vacunación rutinaria del virus varicela-zóster reduce la incidencia de varicela grave, sin alterar la de herpes zóster grave. Evid Pediatr. 2014;10:31.


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