September 2016. Volume 12. Number 3

There is no evidence that use of vitamin D improve asthma control.

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Tachimoto H, Mezawa H, Segawa T, Akiyama N, Ida H, Urashima M. Improved control of childhood asthma with low-dose, short-term vitamin D supplementation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Allergy. 2016;71:1001-9.
Reviewers: Martín Masot R1, Ortega Páez E2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Área Hospitalaria de Granada. Granada. España.
2CS Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
Correspondence: Rafael Martín Masot. Email:
Reception date: 20/09/2016
Acceptance date: 23/09/2016
Publication date: 28/09/2016


Authors´ conclusions: low-dose, short-term vitamin D supplementation in addition to standar treatment may improve levels of asthma control in children.

Reviewers´ commentary: the benefit showed in this study is weak and is not kept long-term. The population is not comparable to that of our way and therefore the results have to of taking warily.

Key words: asthma; child; vitamin D

How to cite this article

Martín Masot R, Ortega Páez E. No hay evidencia de que el uso de vitamina D mejore el control del asma. Evid Pediatr. 2016;12:40.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Tachimoto H, Mezawa H, Segawa T, Akiyama N, Ida H, Urashima M. Improved control of childhood asthma with low-dose, short-term vitamin D supplementation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Allergy. 2016;71:1001-9.
Reviewers: Martín Masot R1, Ortega Páez E2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Área Hospitalaria de Granada. Granada. España.
2CS Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
Correspondence: Rafael Martín Masot. Email:
Key words: asthma; child; vitamin D
Reception date: 20/09/2016
Acceptance date: 23/09/2016
Publication date: 28/09/2016

How to cite this article

Martín Masot R, Ortega Páez E. No hay evidencia de que el uso de vitamina D mejore el control del asma. Evid Pediatr. 2016;12:40.


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CA | ¿Vitamina D para el tratamiento del asma?

Praena Crespo M. ¿Vitamina D para el tratamiento del asma? Evid Pediatr. 2016;12:52.