ED | Probióticos y enterocolitis necrotizante: ¿dónde estamos en 2021?
Suárez Rodríguez M, Solís Sánchez G. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:27
Critically appraised articles
AVC | Combination of symbiotics Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium seems the most effective in the treatment of preterm infants
Carvajal Encina F, Aparicio Rodrigo M. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:29
AVC | Early postnatal discharge: needs more studies
Rivas Fernández MÁ, Pérez-Moneo Agapito B. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:30
AVC | Secondary screening reduces age and severity at diagnosis of late presenting hip dislocation
Oltra Benavent M, Cuestas Montañés EJ. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:31
AVC | Delayed antibiotic therapy for respiratory infections in children reduces the use of antibiotics
Pérez González E, Aizpurua Galdeano P. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:32
AVC | Metformin could be of help in the treatment of obesity
Esparza Olcina MJ, Fernández Rodríguez MM. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:33
AVC | Zinc supplements in premature infants: no clear evidence on its usefulness
Ortega Páez E, Flores Villar S. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:34
AVC | Septic children's mortality triples when choosing inappropriate empiric antibiotics initially
Rodríguez-Salinas Pérez E, Cuestas Montañés EJ. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:35
Associated comment
CA | Alta precoz posnatal; ¿dónde estamos hoy?
Sánchez Luna M. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:36
Bases of evidence based medicine
MBE | Pruebas no paramétricas
Ortega Páez E, Ochoa Sangrador C, Molina Arias M. Evid Pediatr. 2021;17:37
Other articles selected but not critically appraised