March 2015. Volume 11. Number 1

The risk of sepsis or meningitis can be low in infants under three months of age with fever and altered urinalysis

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AVC | Critically appraised articles

Velasco R, Benito H, Mozún R, Trujillo JE, Merino PA, Mintegi S. Febrile young infants with altered urinalysis at low risk for invasive bacterial infection. A Spanish Pediatric Emergency Research Network's Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014. 34;17-21.
Reviewers: Ochoa Sangrador C1, Andrés de Llano JM2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora. España.
2Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital General del Río Carrión. Palencia. España.
Correspondence: Carlos Ochoa Sangrador. Email:
Reception date: 25/02/2015
Acceptance date: 04/03/2015
Publication date: 11/03/2015


Authors´ conclusions: the predictive model developed can identify with little error infants with fever without source and altered urinalysis with low risk of invasive bacterial infection. Outpatient treatment might be appropriate for one in four children diagnosed, with a significant improvement in resource utilization.

Reviewers´ commentary: we can assume that the risk of invasive bacterial infection is very low in children who meet the criteria of this predictive model. In our environment the hospitalization of infants under three months with urinary tract infection is recommended, because at this age there is an increased risk of invasive bacterial infection. To change this recommendation the benefits of this predictive model should be tested in an external validation sample, and also should be tested the safety of its implementation.

How to cite this article

Ochoa Sangrador C, Andrés de Llano JM. El riesgo de sepsis o meningitis puede ser bajo en menores de tres meses con fiebre y perfil urinario alterado. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:12.

AVC | Critically appraised articles

Velasco R, Benito H, Mozún R, Trujillo JE, Merino PA, Mintegi S. Febrile young infants with altered urinalysis at low risk for invasive bacterial infection. A Spanish Pediatric Emergency Research Network's Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014. 34;17-21.
Reviewers: Ochoa Sangrador C1, Andrés de Llano JM2.
1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora. España.
2Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital General del Río Carrión. Palencia. España.
Correspondence: Carlos Ochoa Sangrador. Email:
Reception date: 25/02/2015
Acceptance date: 04/03/2015
Publication date: 11/03/2015

How to cite this article

Ochoa Sangrador C, Andrés de Llano JM. El riesgo de sepsis o meningitis puede ser bajo en menores de tres meses con fiebre y perfil urinario alterado. Evid Pediatr. 2015;11:12.


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